Tracking Investments Bookkeeping – Part 3

Part 3 in this series of tracking investments in your QuickBooks Desktop file will cover selling your paper investments.

When you engage in the sale of your investment (or even a fixed asset), there are essentially three main categories to be concerned with and thus adjusted here:


  1. Cost Basis
  2. Gains or Losses as a Result of the Sale
  3. Cash Proceeds from the Sale


So, to get started here, let’s say last year you purchased 300 shares of XYZ equity stock for a total of $3000. Now, this year, you sold these 300 shares of XYZ equity stock for a proceeds total of $4500.

Your bookkeeping entry to recognize and close out the sale of these 300 shares would look something like this:


XYZ Investments Asset$3,000To reduce the original cost basis out of your books
Gains from the Sale of Shares Income$1,500To recognize your gains income
Bank Account$4,500To recognize the cash proceeds deposited into your bank account



Stay tuned for part 4 of this investments tracking series.



Note: AccuraBooks is a bookkeeping firm only, so please consult with your C.P.A. for verification and clarification about the contents of this article.

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