Did you know that you can customize your Icon Bar in QuickBooks?  A useful Icon Bar will include icons for the actions that you will use consistently.  QuickBooks gives you an Icon Bar filled with items such as Feedback, Remind, User Licenses, App Center, Snapshots, etc.  Some of the more helpful icons may be Customers, Vendors, Home, Find, Item, and Backup.  To customize your Icon Bar, you can click on View>Customize Icon Bar, or simply right-click in the Icon Bar.  From there you will be able to delete less useful icons and add ones that work best for you.

You can also add icons to the bar as you are working.  If you are in the middle of a particular function – such as building an inventory assembly item – and you would like to have a shortcut to that screen, you simply click View>Add “Build Assemblies” to Icon Bar.  (QuickBooks will automatically populate the title of the icon in this selection with the page you are currently on).

Customizing your Icon Bar in QuickBooks can be a great help to you as you work through your bookkeeping functions.  Look for the best and most used functions and add them to the bar.

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